Recent News
"Rather than learn these same painful lessons [of banishment programs] over again, we suggest looking to other successful initiatives that involve skillful regulation of space, enforcement of conduct expectations, and multidepartment coordination rather than banning specific people from parts of the city," write Katherine Beckett, professor of sociology and of law, societies and justice at the UW, and co-author Lisa Daugaard.… Read more
It has been five years since Washington’s signature “sanctuary” law went into effect, prohibiting most local officials from cooperating with immigration enforcement. Since then, Washington jail and law enforcement agencies have committed hundreds of alleged violations, according to a report by the UW’s Center for Human Rights. Angelina Godoy, professor of law, societies, and justice and of international studies, as well as director of the Center for Human Rights at the UW, is quoted.… Read more
UW senior Sana Shetty, interested in human rights law, has a more nuanced understanding of potential careers thanks to internships.
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Immigration officials corrected his record, but the Tacoma center detainee warned of continued risks to himself and his family back in Micronesia. Angelina Godoy, professor of law, societies, and justice and of international studies, as well as director of the Center for Human Rights at the UW, is quoted.
on Crosscut
Edgar Quiroz Sanchez, graduating with two bachelor's degrees, has been a powerful voice for the needs of undocumented students at the UW.
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Three Law, Societies, and Justice students were named to the Husky 100! The Husky 100 recognizes 100 UW graduate and undergraduate students who are making the most of their time at UW. Congratulations to Shanzay Shabi, Alex Roque, and Frances O'Meara. Learn more about each of the students below.
Shanzay Shabi
“Be the person you wish you had.” Driven by my experiences as a first-generation Pakistani immigrant, I have aspired to uplift and expand resources for underrepresented students during… Read more
The College of Arts & Sciences celebrates undergraduate and graduate students from across all four divisions, who are recognized for making the most of their time at the UW.
on University of Washington
More than a month after a man died at an immigrant detention center in Tacoma, federal officials released a report, as required by Congress. The report lacked one key detail: a cause of death. The UW's Phil Neff, project coordinator at the Center for Human Rights, and Angelina Godoy, professor of both international studies and law, societies and justice and the director of the Center for Human Rights, are mentioned.… Read more
Law, Societies, and Justice prides itself on the unique and experiential opportunities that the department can offer its 258 majors. One of these unique opportunities is a three-quarter-long course taught by Professor Katherine Beckett, The Juvenile Parole Project (or JPP). In this course, groups of 2-3 LSJ students are paired with volunteer attorneys to represent individuals preparing for hearings before the Clemency and Pardons Board or the Juvenile Indeterminate Sentence Review Board (ISRB,… Read more
Dear Friends of LSJ~
Greetings from LSJ! As we begin a new year, I am thrilled to announce the addition of a talented young scholar to our faculty. Morgan Vickers is a PhD candidate in the Department of Geography at UC Berkeley, where they study Black ecologies and geographies, environmental history and justice, property rights, and dispossession. Morgan will join the LSJ faculty this fall and will teach a large enrollment class on Race, Law, and Justice as well as small seminars on… Read more