Beginning AUT 2023, LSJ 401 and the associated internship will no longer be a requirement to complete the major. It will be offered as an elective for those who wish to take it in Spring 2024.
PLEASE NOTE: Students are still required to complete 11 classes (55 credits).
If you choose not to enroll in 401 in the spring of 2024, please plan to register for a LSJ 400-level seminar in its place. Please email lsjadv@uw.edu to alert the advising staff what your LSJ 400-level seminar is in order to code it properly.
Does this mean the internship is not required to complete the major?
- Yes. Please register for a separate 400-level seminar other than LSJ 488, LSJ 489, and LSJ 499 to replace this requirement unless you would like to enroll in 401 and complete the internship in spring of 2024.
Does this mean we are not required to do an internship?
- The internship is not required.
Are we required to take two seminars instead of one now because LSJ 401 is not a requirement?
- You can choose to enroll in LSJ 401 in the spring and also take one 400 level seminar. If you elect not to enroll in LSJ 401, please register for a second LSJ 400-level seminar (other than LSJ 488, LSJ 489, LSJ 499).
Will 401 have a different syllabus now that it’s been changed to an elective?
- Yes, moving forward, LSJ 401 will meet bi-weekly with assignments due during the off weeks and an analytical paper to conclude the course.
I am planning on completing my internship over the summer and have registered for LSJ 401 in autumn. What happens now?
- You can still complete your internship over the summer. If you wanted to get credit for your internship and are graduating in autumn 2023, please email kateli@uw.edu to determine the best course of action moving forward.
I am graduating Autumn 2023 and was planning on getting credit for my internship by completing LSJ 401. What happens now?
- See above.
If LSJ 401 is only being offered in the spring, does this mean I can only do an internship in winter or spring now?
- No, you can complete an internship during any quarter you choose. If you would like credit for the internship, you will only be able to receive credit during spring.
- But, what if I am graduating before spring?
- We will work with you on an individual basis to determine the best course of action moving forward.
- But, what if I am graduating before spring?
What if I already took LSJ 401?
- You can disregard this page.