The U.S. & South Africa: Comparative Criminal Justice

Seattle, WA & Cape Town, South Africa
South Africa

This study abroad course will compare criminal justice institutions and practices in the United States and South Africa.  The first week of the course will take place in Seattle, and will focus on the U.S.  The next three weeks will take place in South Africa.  In each instance, the goal will be to immerse students as much as possible, through field excursions to such places as court, jail and prison.  Instruction in Cape Town will be overseen by colleagues at the University of Cape Town.  The UW students will be co-students with their counterparts from UCT.  The course will enable students to understand criminal justice processes in an immersive fashion in each setting, and to then compare and contrast those processes from one context to the other.   

Information Sessions:

  • Typically held in December/January

Program Director:

  • Prof. Steve Herbert

Program Cost:

  • TBD [includes lodging, field trips and some meals in Cape Town]


  • 10


  • The University of Cape Town has a guest house where rooms have been booked.  The rooms contain a kitchenette, and there is a larger communal kitchen that all can share.


Program Status