Students interested in studying abroad in Italy during Early Fall (after summer quarter ends and before fall quarter begins) should consider the LSJ/Pol S in Rome 2025 Program Comparative Legal Cultures & Individual Rights: Italy, U.S. and Europe
DATES OF INSTRUCTION: Arrive August 23 - Depart September 20, 2025
LOCATION: Rome, Italy in the UW Rome Center.
CONTENT COURSE TOPICS: We will review the difference between European, Italian and U.S. systems in protecting individual rights. We will examine rights in a comparative context including right to privacy, freedom of religion, criminal justice, migrant rights.
Survival Italian and Culture Component: Includes language instruction, site visits to sites tied to course content (Supreme Court) and culture (museums, an overnight trip, cooking lessons)
PROGRAM FEES, INSURANCE AND COST: $5120.00 (covers apartments, some meals, an overnight trip, museum visits, program cost/fees)
Program Directors: Walter Walsh and Sabrina Tatta
UW Study Abroad Application and Info site click here.
Friday, January 31 from 12:00pm-12:50pm (INFO SESSION)
Saturday, February 1 from 10:00am-11:00am (INFO SESSION)
LSJ/POL S In Rome is an Early Fall Program. What is an Early Fall Program?
UW Early Fall Study Abroad Programs are short-term study abroad programs (3-4 weeks) led by UW faculty that take place during Early Fall Start. Early Fall begins after the last day of UW Summer Quarter and ends before the start of Fall Quarter.
Interview dates:
Signup Genius link will be sent to students to sign up
Feb 7 (1pm-5pm)
Feb 8 (9am-2pm)
Feb 9 (9am-2pm)
1. In person on campus: April 1 Tue at 4pm
2. In person dinner near campus w/program alumni: April 13 Sunday Dinner starts at 5:30pm (near campus)
3. Over zoom April 21 5pm zoom
Additional optional orientations on weekends in May, June, July
QUESTIONS? Come to an info session or email questions to Sabrina Tatta at