LSJ Gold Curriculum Requirements

LSJ Gold Curriculum Major Requirements (effective Autumn 2024)

*anyone beginning as a newly admitted LSJ major in Autumn 2024 onwards

Minimum 56-60 credits

This information is to be used for planning. Check your Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS) or meet with an adviser to ensure you have met all degree requirements. 

Core Courses (20 credits) 

  • Introduction to Law, Societies & Justice (5 credits) 

  • Human Rights OR Law Courses (10 credits): two courses at the 300-level. See departmental approved course list.

  • Capstone Seminar (5 credits) : at least one course at the 400-level. Must be an LSJ 400-level. See departmental approved course list.

300-Level LSJ Courses (min. 20 credits) 

  • At least four (4) LSJ courses completed at the 300-level. See departmental approved course list.

Upper-Division Electives (16-20 credits) 

  • At least four (4) upper-division courses (each course must be a minimum of 3 credits) to reach 16 credits. Minimum one (1) course must be completed at the 400-level. See departmental approved course list.


In addition to the 60 credits needed to finish major requirements, all LSJ majors also must complete the University and College of Arts & Sciences General Education requirements, including:

  • 5 credits of English Composition (with a grade of 2.00 or higher)
  • 10 credits of Additional Writing
  • 5 credits of Quantitative Symbolic Reasoning
  • 5 credits of Diversity
  • the College of Arts & Sciences Foreign Language Requirement
  • 20 credits of Arts and Humanities
  • 20 credits of Social Sciences
  • 20 credits of Natural Sciences
  • 15 credits of Additional Areas of Inquiry classes

The exact path of each student through these General Education requirements can and should be discussed with the LSJ adviser in detail. A further description of these requirements can be found on the UW Undergraduate Advising webpage under the Degree Planning tab.


Departmental Approved Course List 

LSJ Core 300-Level Human Rights or Law Courses 

Some of these courses can alternatively be used for completion of the 300-level or electives sections, but the student will need to choose whether to use as a core, 300-level, or elective. They cannot work towards multiple requirements simultaneously. 

  • LSJ 320/POL S 368  The Politics and Law of International Human Rights (5) 

  • LSJ 321/ANTH 323  Human Rights Law in Culture and Practice (5) 

  • LSJ 322/JSIS A 324  Human Rights in Latin America (5) 

  • LSJ/POL S 327  Women’s Rights as Human Rights (5) 

  • LSJ 329  Immigration, Citizenship, and Rights (5) 

  • LSJ/JSIS B/DIS ST 346 Disability in Global and Comparative Perspective (5)

  • LSJ/POL S 360  Introduction to United States Constitutional Law (5) 

  • LSJ/POL S 361  United States Courts and Civil Liberty (5) 

  • LSJ/POL S 363  Law in Society (5) 

  • LSJ/JSIS B 366  Comparative Law and Legal Cultures (5) 

  • LSJ/POL S 367  Comparative Law and Courts (5)  

  • LSJ 375/SOC 372  Crime, Politics, and Justice (5) 


LSJ Core 400-Level Capstone Seminar 

An LSJ Capstone Seminar course is a small discussion-driven course on a focused topic at the 400-level. Students can expect plenty of reading, writing, discussion, and active participation in the topic. These same courses can alternatively be used for completion of the electives section, but the student will need to choose whether to use as an elective or capstone seminar. They cannot work towards two requirements simultaneously.  

  • LSJ 410  Social Justice through Philanthropy (5) 

  • LSJ 421/ANTH 498  Women’s Rights and Politics in Islamic Society (5) 

  • LSJ 422  Immigrants, Labor, and Legality (5) 

  • LSJ 425/ANTH 497  Domesticating International Human Rights: US Asylum & Refugee Law (5) 

  • LSJ 427  Sanctioned States: Law, Politics, and Practice of International Law (5) 

  • LSJ 429 Seeking Refuge: A Global Perspective on Refugee Development (5)

  • LSJ/SOC 476  Miscarriages of Justice (5) 

  • LSJ 490  Special Topics in Comparative Legal Institutions (3-5, max 15 credits) 

  • LSJ 491  Special Topics in Rights (3-5, max 15 credits) 


*LSJ 490 and 491 are variable-topic courses. The topic for a specific offering will be listed on the Time Schedule and also on the Quarterly Course Offerings handouts (available outside the LSJ advising office).

*Students are responsible for arranging with the LSJ adviser which course(s) they will use for completion of their Capstone Seminar requirement. This can be done by an email to the LSJ adviser once the student has registered for the course. The adviser can then make the appropriate change in the student’s academic record.


Required LSJ 300-Level Courses 

Some of these courses can alternatively be used for completion of the core or electives section, but the student will need to choose whether to use as a 300-level, core, or elective. They cannot work towards multiple requirements simultaneously. 

  • LSJ 320/POL S 368  The Politics and Law of International Human Rights (5) 

  • LSJ 321/ANTH 323  Human Rights Law in Culture and Practice (5) 

  • LSJ 322/JSIS A 324  Human Rights in Latin America (5) 

  • LSJ/POL S 327  Women’s Rights as Human Rights (5) 

  • LSJ 329  Immigration, Citizenship, and Rights (5) 

  • LSJ 331/POL S 317  Politics of Race and Ethnicity in the US (5) 

  • DIS ST/LSJ/CHID 332  Disability and Society 

  • LSJ/JSIS B/DIS ST 346  Disability in Global & Comparative Perspective (5) 

  • LSJ/POL S 360  Introduction to United States Constitutional Law (5) 

  • LSJ/POL S 361  United States Courts and Civil Liberty (5) 

  • LSJ/POL S 363  Law in Society (5) 

  • LSJ/JSIS B 366  Comparative Law and Legal Cultures (5) 

  • LSJ/POL S 367  Comparative Law and Courts (5)  

  • LSJ 375/SOC 372  Crime, Politics, and Justice (5) 

  • LSJ/SOC 376  Drugs and Society (5) 

  • LSJ 377  Punishment: Theory and Practice (5) 

  • LSJ 380  Contemporary Issues in Comparative Legal Institutions (5, max 10 credits) 

  • LSJ 381  Issues in Rights (5, max 10 credits) 


*LSJ 380 and 381 are variable-topic courses. The topic for a specific offering will be listed on the Time Schedule and also on the Quarterly Course Offerings handouts (available outside the LSJ advising office).


Upper-Division 300- and 400- Level Electives 

Some of these courses can alternatively be used for completion of the core or electives section, but the student will need to choose whether to use as a 300-level, core, or elective. They cannot work towards multiple requirements simultaneously. 

An LSJ 400-level course is a small, discussion-driven course (often referred to as a "seminar) on a focused topic. Students can expect plenty of reading, writing, discussion and active participation in the topic. 

  • GWSS 310 Women and the Law (5) 

  • PHIL 314 Philosophy of Crime and Punishment (5) 

  • POL S/GWSS 313 Gender and Politics (5)

  • LSJ 320/POL S 368  The Politics and Law of International Human Rights (5) 

  • POL S 320/JSIS B 310 State-Society Relations in Third World Countries (5) 

  • LSJ 321/ANTH 323  Human Rights Law in Culture and Practice (5) 

  • LSJ 322/JSIS A 324  Human Rights in Latin America (5) 

  • LSJ/POL S 327  Women’s Rights as Human Rights (5) 

  • LSJ 329  Immigration, Citizenship, and Rights (5) 

  • LSJ 331/POL S 317  Politics of Race and Ethnicity in the US (5) 

  • DIS ST/LSJ/CHID 332  Disability and Society 

  • AIS 335 American Indians and the Law (5) 

  • LSJ/JSIS B/DIS ST 346  Disability in Global & Comparative Perspective (5) 

  • LSJ/POL S 347 Politics of International Law (5) 

  • LSJ/POL S 360  Introduction to United States Constitutional Law (5) 

  • LSJ/POL S 361  United States Courts and Civil Liberty (5) 

  • LSJ/POL S 363  Law in Society (5) 

  • POL S 364 The Supreme Court and American Political Development (5)

  • LSJ/JSIS B 366  Comparative Law and Legal Cultures (5) 

  • LSJ/POL S 367  Comparative Law and Courts (5)  

  • LSJ/POL S/JSIS B 370 Privacy (5)

  • SOC 371  Criminology (5) OR SOC 472 Juvenile Delinquency (5) 

  • SOC 374  Law and Society (5) 

  • LSJ 375/SOC 372  Crime, Politics, and Justice (5) 

  • LSJ/SOC 376  Drugs and Society (5) 

  • LSJ 377  Punishment: Theory and Practice (5) 

  • LSJ 380  Contemporary Issues in Comparative Legal Institutions (5, max 10 credits) 

  • LSJ 381  Issues in Rights (5, max 10 credits) 

  • LSJ 401 Field Experience in Law, Societies & Justice (5)

  • LSJ 410  Social Justice through Philanthropy (5) 

  • PHIL 414 Philosophy of Law (5) 

  • LSJ 415 Juvenile Parole Project (3-5) 

  • LSJ 416 Juvenile Parole Practicum (3-5) 

  • LSJ 421/ANTH 498  Women’s Rights and Politics in Islamic Society (5) 

  • LSJ 422  Immigrants, Labor, and Legality (5) 

  • JSIS B 424 International Law and Arms Control (5) 

  • JSIS B 441 Forced Migrations (5)

  • LSJ 425/ANTH 497  Domesticating International Human Rights: US Asylum & Refugee Law (5) 

  • LSJ 426 Reconciliation: The Politics of Forgiveness in a Global Age (5) 

  • LSJ 427  Sanctioned States: Law, Politics, and Practice of International Law (5) 

  • LSJ 428/POL S 415 Women’s Rights in an Integrated Europe (5) 

  • LSJ 429 Seeking Refuge: A Global Perspective on Refugee Development (5)

  • DIS ST/LSJ/CHID 430 Topics in Disability Studies (5, max. 15 credits) 

  • LSJ 431/POL S 430 Civil-Military Relations in Democracies (5) 

  • DIS ST/LSJ/CHID 433 Disability Law, Policy & Community (5, max. 15 credits) 

  • DIS ST/LSJ/CHID 434 Civil and Human Rights Law for Disabled People (5) 

  • DIS ST/LSJ/CHID 437 Crime, Law, and Mental Illness (5) 

  • AFRAM 437 Blacks in American Law (5) 

  • LSJ 438 Human Rights & International Development (5) 

  • COM 440/POL S 461 Mass Media Law (5) 

  • POL S 462 The Supreme Court in American Politics (5)

  • LSJ/SOC 476  Miscarriages of Justice (5) 

  • LSJ 490  Special Topics in Comparative Legal Institutions (3-5, max 15 credits) 

  • LSJ 491  Special Topics in Rights (3-5, max 15 credits) 


*LSJ 380, 381, 430, 490, and 491 are variable-topic courses. The topic for a specific offering will be listed on the Time Schedule and also on the Quarterly Course Offerings handouts (available outside the LSJ advising office).

*Students are responsible for arranging with the LSJ adviser which course(s) they will use for completion of their various requirements. This can be done by an email to the LSJ adviser once the student has registered for the course. The adviser can then make the appropriate change in the student’s academic record.


Petition to Have Outside Course Count Toward Major

LSJ Majors may petition to have a maximum of 5 credits of outside coursework count toward the LSJ major requirements. It is best to petition your course PRIOR to taking it as petitions are rarely granted. Needing to graduate on time is not a suitable justification for petitioning a course. 

LSJ Course Petition

Earn Credit for Study Abroad 

Similar to petitioning outside courses, it is strongly advised to petition your study abroad course PRIOR to going on the trip. Needing to graduate on time is not a suitable justification for petitioning a course. 

If you are participating in an LSJ sponsored Study Abroad Program (Amsterdam,  Jamaica, New Zealand, Rome), your credits will count for either the LSJ capstone requirement or one of the upper-division electives. You do not need to petition these courses. Please schedule a meeting with the LSJ Adviser to adjust your degree audit once your credits have been posted to your transcript. 

A maximum of 10 study abroad credits outside of LSJ affiliated programs may be counted toward the LSJ major. 

Students may not petition study abroad credits to count toward the minor. 


Independent Study 

Student may earn credit for independent study work through LSJ 499. Credits earned through these courses count toward total credit, but will not fulfill LSJ major requirements

LSJ 499 is a great way to round out your schedule when seeking independent study credit. It's an Independent Study course that you arrange with an LSJ faculty member. Typically, it works like this:

  1. Student picks an LSJ-related topic they'd like to learn more about and compiles a short (1-2 paragraphs) description of the topic, along with a list of 4-5 articles, book chapters, or books related to the topic.
  2. Student selects an LSJ faculty member (cannot be a grad student) who has some experience in/knowledge of the topic and meets with them to discuss their proposal.
  3. If the faculty member agrees to serve as your "Supervisor" for your Independent Study/Research, then you'll flesh out your plan of study with additional readings and a final paper/assignment along with a timeline and due dates.
  4. Together you'll decide on the appropriate number of credits, ranging from 1-5. The course is always graded as Credit/No Credit.
  5. You'll complete the LSJ 499 form along with your faculty supervisor. The form is available here.
LSJ 499: Independent study 

Students may earn credit for independent study with an LSJ faculty member. 

LSJ 499 Application
