LSJ Annual Newsletter: 2015-2016

Dear LSJ Alumni Community: It is always a pleasure to write this annual note to our wonderful LSJ alumni group, but it is particularly enjoyable to do so whilst looking out my office window onto the lush Grieg Garden.  I can do so because LSJ now occupies its own dedicated space, on the mezzanine level of Smith.  We’ve been here less than a year, but it definitely feels like home! And it is a busy and dynamic home.  Part of that is because we welcomed three new staff members this… Read more
A University of Washington professor has taught inmates and undergraduates together in the Monroe state prison, which enriches the experience for both. By   Seattle Times higher education reporter At some point during the first session of Professor Steve Herbert’s seminar course on law, societies and justice this fall, a change worked its way over those… Read more
In February, the Law, Societies and Justice Program launched the LSJ Mentorship Program, which pairs local LSJ alumni with current LSJ students. According to Professor Steve Herbert, director of LSJ, the purpose of the mentorship program was to help students strategize how they will pursue their careers after graduating. “A liberal arts degree prepares students for a range of careers, which can be very empowering, but it can also be very frightening because there is not one clear path ahead,”… Read more
Although Law, Societies, and Justice is not one of UW’s larger majors, two of its students were selected to be amongst the Husky 100, a tri-campus award that seeks to recognize the 100 students who made the most of their time at the UW and best exemplify the Husky experience. This year’s inaugural class of the Husky 100 includes two of LSJ’s best and brightest students, Meron Fikru and Starla Sampaco… Read more
On Friday, October 2, 2015, the University of Washington Center for Human Rights (UW CHR) filed a lawsuit against the CIA in the U.S. District Court in Seattle, alleging that the agency has failed to meet its obligations under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The UW CHR is seeking the release of U.S. government documents relating to the 1981 Santa Cruz massacre in El Salvador, as part of its mission to conduct research in support of… Read more
By Starla Sampaco, LSJ Communications Assistant Senior Shweta Jayawardhan said she was surprised to learn she had won a Mary Gates Research Scholarship for her Law, Societies & Justice (LSJ) honors thesis on climate change-induced migration. A committee of faculty and student service specialists selected Jayawardhan’s project based on several criteria, including the depth of its research and its long-term impacts… Read more